
2013年6月23日 星期日

「睡覺」是維持我們正常的認知能力,演說、記憶力、創造力、靈活的思緒,同時修復身體機能、強化抵抗力 ( "Sleeping" is to maintain our normal cognitive abilities, speech, memory, creativity, flexible thinking, and repair body functions, strengthen immunity )

為何我們需要睡眠? ( Why we need to sleep )

為什麼睡眠這麼重要?這個問題已經困擾了科學家幾世紀了,但最後的答案依然沒人能確定。有人說睡眠可以給我們一個休息的機會,白天所消耗的體力在晚上能夠恢復,但事實是,透過足足8 小時的睡眠所省下的能量,僅有50大卡而已,居然只和一片吐司差不多! ( Why is sleep so important? This problem has plagued scientists for centuries, but the final answer is still no one can determine. )

我們之所以需要睡眠,是因為它能夠維持我們正常的認知能力,演說、記憶力、創造力及靈活的思緒等等。換句話說,睡覺對於我們的腦部發展,扮演著舉足輕重的角色。( The reason why we need to sleep, because it is able to maintain our normal cognitive abilities, speech, memory, creativity and flexibility in mind and so on. In other words, sleep for our brain development, playing a pivotal role. )

舒適的睡眠也是健康不可或缺的要素之一。有句話說「歷史是在夜晚創造出來的」,其實健康也多半是在夜間打造出來的。( Comfortable sleep is an essential element of health. There is a saying that "history is created in the night", in fact, health is mostly built out at night. )

如果你以為睡眠只是讓「身體休息」的行為,那我只能說你對睡眠的認識過於膚淺。因為人體自癒力在睡眠期間,仍然在為修復身體機能、強化抵抗力而努力運作著。一提到健康的睡眠方式,除了第一個聯想到的睡眠時間長度外,還有其他需要留意的重點。我建議睡眠時間至少要有七個小時,因為醫學研究發現每天睡足七個小時的人,死亡率最低。( If you think sleep just let 'body rest "behavior, then I can only say that you are understanding of less of sleep function. Because the healing power of the body during sleep, is still in the repair bodily functions, and efforts to strengthen the operation of the resistance. A mention healthy sleep patterns, except for the first one to think of sleep time, there are other needs to pay attention to the focus. I recommend at least seven hours of sleep time, because medical research found that people who every day get enough sleep seven hours, the lowest mortality. )



想要知道睡眠對我們的重要性為何,最好的方法就是嘗試著不睡覺,看看會發生甚麼事。缺乏睡眠的話,對於我們的腦部運作會有很嚴重的影響;如果你時常熬夜,那麼對於下列這些後遺症應該不陌生:起床氣、無力感、易怒或是健忘等。你只要一晚沒睡,專注力就會下降,專注的時間也會相對縮減。( Want to know why the importance of sleep on our life, the best way is to try not to sleep and see what happens. Lack of sleep, then, for the operation of our brain will be very seriously affected; if you frequently stay up late, then the following should be no stranger to these consequences: get gas, powerlessness, irritability or forgetfulness. You just did not sleep one night, attention will drop, focus on time will be relatively reduced. )


研究顯示,缺乏睡眠的人無法在對話中正常回應、提出非理性的觀點、甚至是突然翻臉不認人,連生活品質也會大打折扣。有些國際性的人為災害也因此發生,像是歷史上的阿拉斯加灣漏油事件、車諾比核災、三哩島核洩漏事故,還有太空史上的「挑戰者號」太空梭爆炸。( Studies have shown that lack of sleep people can not respond in a normal conversation, made ​​irrational opinions, even suddenly betray, even the quality of life will be greatly reduced. )

睡眠遭剝奪不只對於認知功能有很大的衝擊,也會影響到身體機能以及情緒健康。例如睡眠呼吸中止症會造成白天非常想睡,也與高血壓以及心理壓力有關。也有研究報告表示,失眠會導致肥胖,因為體內掌控著食慾和體重的化學元素與荷爾蒙,是在睡眠期間釋出。( Sleep deprivation not only for the great impact on cognitive function, can also affect the body functions as well as emotional health. Such as sleep apnea can cause very sleepy during the day, but also with high blood pressure and psychological pressure. Studies have also reported that insomnia can lead to obesity, because the body in control of appetite and body weight of the chemical elements and hormones are released during sleep. )

多少睡眠才足夠?( How Much Sleep Is Enough? )

其實沒有固定的睡眠時間,通常是因人而異,根據英國BBC網站所設計出的 sleep profile 的計算,我們的睡眠時間介於5小時至11小時之間,平均是7.75小時。( In fact, there is no fixed sleep time as enough sleeping hours, usually varies, according to the BBC website to design a sleep profile calculations, our sleep time is between 5-11 hours, and the average was 7.75 hours. )

Seal, Michael, like by trueoflife on Grooveshark

( Seal、Bryan Adams、Micheal Bolton Love songs )

