艾倫茲(Angela Ahrendts)成功擦亮有157年歷史的英國時尚名牌 Burberry,擔任執行長7年來營運成績斐然,她接受蘋果公司邀請,將出任零售與網路商店資深副總裁,轉戰科技界。
艾倫茲的新職是蘋果新設的職位,她預定明年春天正式走馬上任,主要負責蘋果零售店及網路店的策略方向、擴大及運作,直接向蘋果執行長庫克(Tim Cook)報告。艾倫茲加入Burberry前,曾在時裝品牌Liz Claiborne任職執行副總裁,並擔任Donna Karan International總裁。
庫克表示,非常高興艾倫茲加入蘋果的團隊,艾倫茲之前的工作已充分顯示,她是一位十分傑出的領導人。艾倫茲說,她選擇Burberry在很好的經營情況下離開,執行長一職將由與她合作多年的Burberry創意總監貝里(Christopher Bailey)接任。
Apple Hires Burberry CEO Angela Ahrendts to Head Retail Efforts
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Apple said late Monday that it has hired Burberry CEO Angela Ahrendts to serve as head of its retail efforts.Ahrendts, who will join in the spring, will serve as senior VP and will report to CEO Tim Cook. She was among a list of people seen as top candidates for the position.
“I am profoundly honored to join Apple in this newly created position next year, and very much look forward to working with the global teams to further enrich the consumer experience on and offline,” Ahrendts said in a statement. “I have always admired the innovation and impact Apple products and services have on people’s lives and hope in some small way I can help contribute to the company’s continued success and leadership in changing the world.”
Apple has had some key vacancies in its retail operations since Ron Johnson left the company to run J.C. Penney. Johnson was replaced by former Dixons head John Browett, who was ousted by Cook a year ago. Another retail executive, VP Jerry McDougal, resigned in January.
Ahrendts, 53, has been CEO of Burberry since July 2006. From 1998 to 2006, she was an executive VP at Liz Claiborne, and also served at Henri Bendel and Donna Karan International.
Apple and Burberry collaborated in September, with Apple giving the retailer early access to the iPhone 5s to photograph the company’s London runway show.
Burberry 換設計師當家
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英國精品業龍頭Burberry集團(Burberry Group Plc),15日任命貝里(Christopher Bailey)接替艾倫茲(Angela Ahrendts)擔任執行長,讓一位經驗尚淺的設計師率領Burberry度過產業趨緩的難關。Burberry宣布,讓Burberry化身時尚界數位先驅的艾倫茲,將在2014年期間跳槽蘋果公司(Apple Inc.),由現年42歲的貝里接下執行長棒子,兼任他原本創意長的職務。
倫敦桑福德伯恩斯坦公司(Sanford C. Bernstein)分析師歐特里(Mario Ortelli)說,貝里接棒之際精品業正在極化,他必須決定是要朝更高檔發展,挑戰普拉達(Prada)與路易威登(Louis Vuitton)等品牌,還是以沒那麼貴的產品鎖定更廣的客群。
這位曾在Donna Karan任職的得獎設計師,將在接任執行長時繼續掌管Burberry的創意部門。身為2009年接下的創意長,他也負責Burberry包括廣告和店面設計的整體形象。
匯豐(HSBC)分析師蘭姆柏(Erwan Rambourg)表示,雖然貝里已證明是位非凡的設計師,但以執行長之姿經營公司的表現還有待觀察。
- 艾倫茲(Angela Ahrendts)將領導蘋果零售事業部是 Apple Inc., 很好的佈局;
- 若能將精品風格結合穿載式裝置、價格策略,會讓 Apple Inc., 走出自已的成長路線;
- 以 Apple Inc., 產品,iPhone、iPod 、 iPad 、 Mac 、 pple TV box、iCould、Apple store 及 iTune 來看 ,沒有 Apple smart HDTV 將使 Apple Inc., 減少相當多營收,獲利也會減少;
- 由 Microsoft、Apple、Chrome 搜尋趨勢看,Apple Inc., 只要再多開放一些 iOS 功能且增加 office 常用之軟體,是可以再度增加市場占有率;