
2013年3月24日 星期日

由蘋果 Apple TV 及 iPad Mini 策略看 Tim Cook 在後賈伯斯時代之方向

Latest Apple TV has a die-shrunk A5 chip, not an A5X after all 

The current Apple TV refresh contains a die-shrunk version of the single-core A5 system on a chip rather than the rumored A5X, reports MacRumors. We first heard about the new Apple TV from FCC documents in late January, but quickly found out from Apple that the refresh would only contain a "minor" component change. It turns out that wasn’t an exaggeration. ( 目前蘋果電視刷新包含在一個芯片上,而不是的傳聞A5X而是 MacRumors 報告之縮小版的單核A5系統。我們第一次聽到從FCC的文件在一月下旬新的蘋果電視,但很快就發現,從蘋果的刷新將只包含一個“小”的成分變化。事實證明,這是不誇張。)

The MacRumors team cracked open one of the newly-released Apple TVs (model number A1469), and found that the A5 inside was nearly 50 percent smaller than the last generation's already-shrunken chip, measuring roughly 36 square millimeters (0.06 square inches). MacRumors points out that it’s unknown who is manufacturing the new chips — both longtime partner Samsung and rumored successor TSMC are transitioning to chips with smaller, 28nm feature sizes. If TSMC is indeed behind the new chips, it will make the latest Apple TV the first iOS device with a non-Samsung processor. ( MacRumors 團隊破解一個新的蘋果電視(模型號A1469)新聞,並發現,在A5裡面是將近比上一代50%更小的縮小芯片,測量大約36平方毫米(0.06平方英寸)。 MacRumors 指出,是誰製造了新的芯片,它是未知的 - 雙方的長期合作夥伴三星和傳聞中的繼任合作夥伴台積電來生產這更小晶片,28nm工藝特徵尺寸的芯片。如果台積電確實落於新的芯片,將最新的蘋果電視的第一個 iOS 設備與非三星處理器。)

:Apple TV 最大衝擊之產業是 Android smart TV 及 Smart TV HDMI dongle,如果 Apple TV box  是 59 美元,Android smart TV 及 Smart TV HDMI dongle 馬上就受威脅嗎?

新款iPad mini將引發平板電腦價格戰
摩根大通(J.P. Morgan)分析師馬克‧莫斯科維茨(Mark Moskowitz)今天表示,第二代iPad mini將會迫使平板電腦廠商繼續降低產品價格。

  在今天發佈的投資建議中,莫斯科維茨基於iPad mini和其它低價平板電腦的銷量增長對2013年平板銷量做出了預測,他預測今年平板電腦銷量將會增加65%,超過了之前預計的53.5%,由平板電腦帶來的收入將增加32.3%,而之前這一數字為32.5%。

  莫斯科維茨稱, Apple 將是高銷量的主要受益者,其它廠商還沒有能與iPad相抗衡的產品,最終,這些廠商將被迫展開價格戰。

  “在我們看來,2013年對其它平板電腦至關重要,因為 Apple 將發佈第二代iPad mini,這將會促使競爭者進一步降低產品售價,我們預計其它平板廠商會將價格拉低至199美元以下,但我們懷疑它們是否能夠建立可持續發展的銷售渠道”。


  莫斯科維茨預計, Apple 將繼續引領平板電腦市場,但 Samsung 會依靠擴大自己的產品陣容獲得更多關注。 Google 會依靠提供大量Android平板電腦來提高Android的市場份額,同時會投放更多電視廣告。

799$ iPad Pro 是 Tim Cook 策略?
“得益於價格優勢, Google 的低價Nexus 7平板將會獲得很高的銷量,我們認為Nexus設備銷量將會超過亞馬遜Kindle Fire”。至於Windows 8平板,莫斯科維茨並不認為未來平板電腦的高銷量能為微軟Surface設備提供太多幫助。至今Surface並沒有在市場上獲得消費者足夠的認可,他認為微軟去年第四季度僅賣出了大約60萬台Surface平板電腦。

蘋果推128GB大容量iPad 硬是比Surface Pro便宜200美元

網路上才開始傳出蘋果(Apple)要推出128GB的大容量iPad,週二蘋果公司就跳出來證實,公司即將推出容量加大的新款 iPad。新的128GB iPad會在2月5日開賣,有黑色與白色版本,Wi-Fi機種為799美元,Wi-Fi加上行動通訊版為929美元。消費者可以在蘋果商店、蘋果網站以及蘋果授權經銷商買到產品。

蘋果全球行銷資深副總裁Philip Schiller在聲明稿中表示:「iPad問世至今在全球市場已經賣出1.2億台,這顯示iPad受到全球消費者歡迎,而且現在他們每天都能從iPad中發現驚奇,讓他們更有動力在iPad上工作、學習、與玩樂,這比傳統PC有趣太多。」


128GB iPad會比微軟(Microsoft)的Surface Pro提早四天上市;64GB版的Surface Pro要價899美元,而128GB版為999美元。

在發表128GB iPad的同時,蘋果同時討論到iPad對於企業市場的衝擊,這個市場過去可是微軟的天下。蘋果表示:「幾乎所有Fortune 500公司、以及超過85%的全球前500大公司,目前都已經開始使用或正在測試iPad。有些公司經常會用到大量資料,例如3D CAD檔案、X光、影片剪輯、音樂檔案、專案藍圖、訓練影片以及服務手冊等,現在他們有了有更多iPad選項。」

蘋果引用了Autodesk、WaveMachine Labs、以及Global Apptitude的說法,這些公司都對 iPad 讚譽有加。

除了擴大容量之外,這款iPad沒有其它明顯變化。螢幕仍是9.7吋的Retina螢幕,使用蘋果A6X晶片,配備FaceTime HD相機,產品將內建剛亮相的iOS 6.1作業系統。第四代iPad仍有16GB、32GB以及64GB等機種,價格從499美元到829美元不等。

:Forrester predicts that 200 million workers will be lining up for a Windows tablet. Apple may want to take a bite out of that market with an iPad Pro. ( Forrester 預測,200萬員工將排隊買Windows平板。蘋果公司可能要採取專業級 iPad咬一口市場。)

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2013年3月16日 星期六

獲利世代:自己動手,畫出你的商業模式 - 讀書心得 ( Business Model Generation - study )


網路科技的進步,創造了無數前所未見的新商業模式,許多產業遭逢最強勁的競爭對手,往往是挾帶「外行」產業 know-how 進化為原有產業最無法抵抗的新商業模式。新商業模式不斷湧現,是商機,也讓大環境更難以逆料。( 註:藉由 business model canvas 可以讓團隊了解 “ 那些潛在競爭對手” 運用不同商業模式對我們的威脅 )。


但這是否表示傳統的策略管理已全然失靈?莽斯特認為傳統的策略管理依然有其基本架構值得參考,但面對新時代,則需要新工具協助補強,而《獲利世代》所提倡的「商業模式圖」( Business Model Canvas )正是一本符合時代運用的策略管理工具。在擬訂策略計畫時,商業模式圖以九個構成要素分別切入,以視覺化輔助思考。而運用商業模式圖時,也可以結合已知的商業概念,以商業模式圖的標準化格式重新整理,書中亦以五種現今重要商業模式為例,幫助我們更了解商業模式的動態變化,也可作為自行建構商業模式圖的啟發或參考應用。



實用!超過470位使用者的協力創作:《獲利世代》會教你強大而實用的創新技巧,如今全球各地許多重要企業都已採用。同時,來自於全球45國、470位使用者的協力創作,不斷修正與討論後,成為一本為勇於開創者而打造的書!( 註:business model canvas apps 下載已經超過十萬次,替 business model generation 這書創造極高利潤,最重要是它幫助我思考增加不同層面之創意,增加效率 )。

long tail business model analysis

關鍵的九件要素 ( 9 key factors for business model )
  • 目標客戶 ( CS )
  • 價值主張 ( KP )
  • 通路 ( CH )
  • 客戶關係 ( CR )
  • 收益流 ( RS )
  • 關鍵資源 ( KR )
  • 關鍵活動 ( KA )
  • 關鍵合作夥伴 ( KP )
  • 成本結構 ( CS )
Google business model analysis

1. 長尾樣式

  • 目標客戶 (CS) : Niche segments;
  • 價值主張 (KP) : large scope niche products;
  • 通路 (CH) : Internet
  • 客戶關係 (CR) : Match to niche scope
  • 收益流 (RS) : selling profit
  • 關鍵資源 (KR) : platform
  • 關鍵活動 (KA) : platform management, promotion and service
  • 關鍵合作夥伴 (KP) : Niche Products、Content providers;
  • 成本結構 (CS) : platform management cost
2. Google business model ( Adsense ) (  註:台灣許多公司只知殺價競爭,把台灣創新及技術賤價賣出,反讓台灣GDP成長率低落、勞工薪資停滯 )
  • 目標客戶 (CS) : 廣告主、網頁瀏覽者、;
  • 價值主張 (KP) : target ads、free search、monitize web page;
  • 通路 (CH) : Internet
  • 客戶關係 (CR) : 
  • 收益流 (RS) : 關鍵字廣告
  • 關鍵資源 (KR) : Google search platform
  • 關鍵活動 (KA) : platform management, promotion and service
  • 關鍵合作夥伴 (KP) : 
  • 成本結構 (CS) : platform management cost
3. Nespresso is still a beautiful model ( Nespresso 咖啡仍然是一個漂亮的生意模式 )
Nespresso Business model canvas

Talking about business models examples I believe Nespresso is one of the most popular case studies. But why do we always use Nespresso as an example? Nespresso is sexy. Nespresso is hot. Nespresso is easy to understand. And people love to talk about it.
  1. Nespresso 咖啡使用不同的通路行銷給他們的客戶。Nespresso uses different channels to distribute to their clients. Except for the easiest channel: the supermarket. Where nowadays we see supermarkets are becoming more powerful than the production companies such as Unilever and Proctor & Gamble, Nespresso is able to pass the supermarket channel.
  2. Nespresso 咖啡知道他的客戶的一切. Nespresso knows everything about his clients. Amazing. 

4. Groupon and Stripclub business model  ( 註:了解越多例子越能知道如何運用它 )



  • 市場力量
  • 產業力量
  • 關鍵趨勢
  • 總體經濟力量

  • 動員
  • 了解
  • 設計
  • 實行
  • 管理

想預覽 busienss model canvas by PDF下載 apps 在 iPad 上用

它還辦了許多 workshop

   在整個行業中,管理團隊正在重新思考如何創造價值,資產的槓桿和權益的收益化。沒有人想成為最後才能領悟的那一位,因此,有必要採取一個全新的視角。所以,如果你有創業精神呢?如果你經常思考如何創造的東西,建立新的企業,或如何改進或改變你的組織嗎?或者,你試圖尋找創新的方式開展業務,以取代舊的。 Across industries, management teams are re-thinking how value is created, assets are leveraged and equity is being monetized. No one wants to be the last to catch on, so it pays to take a fresh perspective now and then. So, if you have an entrepreneurial spirit? If you are constantly thinking about how to create things, build new businesses, or how to improve or transform your organization? Or you trying to find innovative ways of doing business to replace old by  ‘Business Model Generation Canvas.
Easy to understand

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什麼是據有 social 及品牌企業?( What is a social enterprise ? )

Burberry used social media to enhance its business, it seems workable
    Salesforce 的市場雲社​​記分卡是一個簡單的在線工具,你可以使用社交媒體如何影響您的組織,發展的路徑向前發展。在不到五分鐘,您可以了解您的公司的社會媒體與其他機構的行列一年多的時間,從社會各種規模的企業在每一個市場中收集的數據的基礎上。 The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Social Score card is a simple, online tool you can use to see how social media has impacted your organization to date, and develop a path to move forward. In less than five minutes you can learn where your company’s social media maturity ranks against other organizations based on more than a year of data gathered from social enterprises of every size in every market.
Social network behavior is one of important asset to enterprise

    結果在這兩個數字的形式和網格上的九個關鍵指標顯示公司業績。我們會向您發送電子郵件你的社交媒體成熟度網格,一起的列表自由企業社會媒體資源,為您量身打造 - 一個路線圖前進的征途,如果你願意。 The results are provided in both numeric form and on a grid showing company results across nine key metrics. We’ll email you your Social Media Maturity Grid, along with a list of free enterprise social media resources tailored to your needs — a road map for the journey ahead, if you will.

The Social Scorecard looks at key metrics of a company’s social media maturity, including: 社交企業記分卡是公司的社會化媒體成熟度的關鍵指標,包括:
What is the real trend of "digital & social"?

  • 思想與領導力 Ideology and Leadership : 高級領導人負責公司的願景。他們將如何推出和擴展整個組織的社會化媒體的理解水平定下了基調。以下四個階段跟踪社交媒體的成熟,對高級管理人員的意識和活動。鮑威爾將軍在他的 Dreamforce 談話,強調這種意識的重要性。 “我認為,任何一個領導者都必須有他或她的手指上的脈搏,在信息革命中所發生的事情。 ”Senior leaders are responsible for the vision of a company. Their level of understanding of social media sets the tone for how it will roll out and scale across an organization. The following four stages track social media maturity against senior executives’ awareness and activity. In his Dreamforce conversation, General Colin Powell stressed the importance of this awareness. “I think any leader has to have his or her finger on the pulse of what’s happening in the information revolution.”
  • 人員配備 Staffing : 任何公司在社交媒體如何執行人員編制定下了基調。許多開始社會化媒體計劃沒有通過官方渠道驅動,但開始由充滿激情的個人時間在他們的日程安排這些活動。職位描述,報告結構,績效評估和薪酬計劃之類的東西,因為人在該公司採取這些新的角色和活動嚴重。當你計劃你的社交媒體的增長,所以一定要滿足HR部門方向,你可以考慮在社交媒體方面的正式身份技能。Staffing sets the tone for how social media is executed in any company. Many beginning social media programs are not driven through official channels, but are started by passionate individuals who make time in their schedules for these activities. Things like job descriptions, reporting structures, performance reviews and compensation plans cause others in the company to take these new roles and activities seriously. As you plan your social media growth, make sure to meet with the HR department so your social media skills can be considered in an official capacity.
  • 內部教育 Internal Education : 教育是任何新公司的努力和社會媒體教育的重要組成部分也不例外。員工想知道是怎麼回事,與社交媒體的限制是什麼,以及他們如何能夠參與並幫助該公司。不僅企業需要接受和理解他們的客戶和潛在客戶正在使用社交媒體,他們也需要接受員工是也。Education is an important part of any new company endeavor and social media education is no exception. Employees want to know what is going on with social media, what the limitations are, and how they can participate and help the company. Not only do companies need to accept and understand that their customers and prospects are using social media, they also need to accept that employees are too.
  • 互聯網社會聽力 Social Listening : 只要企業已經參與互聯網社交媒體,共同的做法是先聽後講。人們都在談論你的公司,你的競爭對手,你的行業。這些對話都發生在互聯網社交網站,無論你是聽或沒有,所以你可以和調整。如果你不這樣做,即使是最基礎的聽,說,你真的沒有把握互聯網社交媒體如何改變了業務水平。 For as long as companies have been participating in social media, the common first practice has been to listen before talking. People are talking about your company, your competitors, and your industry. These conversations are happening on the social web whether you are listening or not, so you may as well tune in. If you aren't doing even the most basic level of listening, you really aren't grasping how social media has changed business.
  • 參與和互聯網社區 Engagement and Community : 公司在社交媒體時代最大的變化之一是,客戶和前景的預期發生了變化。每個媒體都鼓勵​​對社會媒體的反饋意見。每一個零售機構,希望您能喜歡他們在 Facebook 上。這一連串的社交媒體活動,鼓勵雙向的對話,真的是新形式的通信的特點,這仍。公司需要了解客戶現在負責。社交媒體配置文件是使用的通信信道的邀請,和很多公司都沒有在聽。根據一項研究,定期的Twitter用戶在Twitter上抱怨公司的Twitter賬戶,超過三分之一的公司回應。 One of the biggest changes for companies in the social media age is that customers’ and prospects’ expectations have changed. Every media outlet encourages feedback over social media. Every retail establishment wants you to like them on Facebook. This barrage of social media activity encourages the two-way conversations that really are the hallmark for this still–new form of communication. Companies need to understand that customers are now in charge. A social media profile is an invitation to use that communication channel, and many companies are not even listening. According to a study of regular Twitter users who Tweeted complaints to companies with Twitter accounts, less than one-third of the companies responded.
  • Social Content  互聯網社區內容: 互聯網社會媒體革命是由內容。多少次,人們說:“內容為王”或與客戶和潛在客戶的唯一途徑是內容嗎?哎呀,我們甚至已經表示,它自己。然而,大量的公司,不明白是什麼類型的內容創建。雖然這肯定會開始知道什麼樣的內容發布在互聯網社會渠道的營銷或通信隊。但還有一個更大的問題,從一個互聯網社會成熟的角度來看是什麼意思。 The social media revolution is driven by content. How many times do people say “content is king” or the only way to connect with customers and prospects is with content? Heck, we’ve even said it ourselves. Plenty of companies, however, don’t understand what kinds of content to create. While this certainly starts with the marketing or communications team that knows what kind of content to publish on social channels. But there is the much larger question of what does it mean from a social maturity perspective.
  • Social Advertising 互聯網社區的廣告 : 互聯網社交化媒體提供了一個重要的品牌營銷機會,和社會上的廣告支持和擴大這些活動。廣告被認為是社會的,如果他們在社交網絡上出現,但是是什麼讓他們特別強大的互聯網社交和社交行動,隨著定位,以創建高度相關的,引人入勝的消息。 Social media provides a significant marketing opportunity for brands, and social advertising can support and amplify those activities. Ads are considered social if they appear on a social network, but what makes them particularly powerful is using social recommendations and social actions, along with targeting, to create highly relevant and engaging messaging.
  • 測量和分析 Measurement and Analytic : 使用互聯網社交媒體的企業面臨的最大挑戰之一是理解什麼來衡量。這有什麼好做,與他們使用的是什麼工具,甚至是組織的規模。公司只是不能完全得到他們的頭目周圍確定其互聯網社交化媒體的成功指標。的問題之一是,一切都是在線和可追踪無論是手動或內的工具。不堪重負的人可以得到的所有數據提供給他們,因此,他們不能分開的信號從噪聲從測量的角度來看。 One of the biggest challenges for companies using social media is understanding what to measure. This has nothing to do with what tools they are using, or even the size of the organization. Companies just can’t quite get their heads around determining their success metrics for social media. One of the problems is that everything is online and trackable either manually or within a tool. People can get overwhelmed with all the data that is available to them and consequently, they can’t separate the signal from the noise from a measurement perspective.
  • 互聯網社交化媒體工具 Social Media Tools : 公司的技術決策,幫助他們滿足他們的目的和目標的路徑上。如果有多個系統拼湊起來的,並需要大量的手工工作,以創建報告,猜什麼樣的人會花時間做嗎?創建報表,而不是分析他們尋找模式或方法來改善。如果沒有標準化的工具集?不兼容性可以添加另一層的複雜性不斷增長的社會媒體的組織。 A company’s technology decisions help set them on the path to meeting their goals and objectives. If multiple systems are cobbled together and require lots of manual work to create reports, guess what people will spend their time doing? Creating reports, rather than analyzing them looking for patterns or ways to improve. What if there is no standardized tool set? Incompatibility can add another level of complexity to growing social media across an organization.
    由 sale force 提出之互聯網社交化企業的重點是如何用互聯網推展品牌及連結客戶,台灣品牌是否值得嚐試這些新的互聯網品牌行銷技術?或學習 sale force 建立完整 sap 服務產業,台灣品牌真的只有 Acer 的殺價競爭策略嗎? 值得深思
    以我了解,sale force 提出之互聯網社交化企業中 互聯網社會聽力 Social Listening 是很有用的,它是企業情報與趨勢資訊網的一環節,可用來強化企業能力
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2013年3月9日 星期六

『許多社群網站開始賺錢』將是對 Google 的競爭? - 分析與評論 ( Social network will become the competitor to Google ads business? )

美股盤後交易—LinkedIn竄升近10% Coinstar狂瀉9% 艾提視暴雪大漲5%
Linkedin 收入大增

《MarketWatch》周四 (7日) 報導,商務社交網站 LinkedIn Corp. (LNKD-US) 財報表現大幅超越市場預期,股價隨之看漲;龍頭自動販賣機連鎖業者 Coinstar Inc. (CSTR-US) 子企業租片商 Redbox 面臨虧損,盤後狂瀉近 10%。

LinkedIn 第 4 季財報獲利除去一次性項目後,高達每股 35 美分,營收則為 3.036 億美元;輕易超越研究機構 FactSet 分析師們估計的 19 美分以及 2.8 億美元。股價盤後竄升 9.4% 至 135.75 美元。Coinstar 第 4 季淨利 2290 萬美元或每股 75 美分,營收達 5.641 億美元;相對比較下前一年同期獲利 3150 萬美元,相當每股 1.04 美元,營收 4.66 億美元。

然而 FactSet 分析師原本預期,公司獲利應可達每股 74 美分,營收 5.77 億美元。甚至公司先前財測報告中,估計當季獲利應在 77-92 美分之間,營收亦達 5.68-5.93 億美元區間。實際財報結果大不如意,讓股價暴跌 9.02% 至 47.4 美元。

遊戲巨擘艾提視暴雪 (Activision Blizzard Inc)(ATVI-US) 第 4 季財報獲利 3.54 億美元或每股 31 美分,營收 17.7 億美元,大勝去年同期的 9900 萬美元、8 美分,以及 14 億美元營收。公司強勁財務表現,主要得歸功於熱門大作《決勝時刻:黑色行動2》(Call of Duty: Black Ops 2) 的長紅銷售。

除去部份遊戲作品的不佳銷售成績,艾提視暴雪當季實際獲利每股 78 美分,營收 26 億美元,雙雙超越市場分析師的預期數據,股價大漲 5.22% 至 12.69 美元。

通訊服務軟體商 Synchronoss Technologies Inc (SNCR-US) 財報獲利 340 萬美元或每股 9 美分,營收 7320 萬美元;除去一次性項目後,獲利 1110 萬美元或每股 29 美分;分析師原本估計應賺每股 25 美分,營收 7010 萬美元。股價盤後聞訊竄升 5.91% 至 26 美元。

臉書併微軟廣告事業 挑戰谷歌
Facebook 將成為 Google 廣告最大競爭對手

臉書(Facebook Inc.)表示,將收購微軟( Microsoft Corp. )Atlas Advertiser Suite,助其增強實力在線上顯示廣告市場與谷歌(Google Inc.)競爭。彭博社報導,臉書指出,Atlas團隊仍將留在該事業駐地西雅圖。Atlas的工具幫助企業選擇安置網站廣告並監測其有效性。


在谷歌2008年藉32.4億美元收購DoubleClick而取得廣告服務技術後,Atlas將加入臉書挑戰谷歌。根據市調研究公司 EMarketer Inc.,谷歌今年在美國顯示廣告市場佔有率將達18%,相較臉書的15%。


Facebook Ads Based on Browsing Challenge Google
Facebook Search service

Facebook Inc. (FB), under pressure to expand sales from its 1.1 billion users, is pushing into a business that lets marketers buy advertisements in real time on the basis of a member’s Web-browsing habits.

Facebook Exchange, a five-month-old service that generates automated ad buying as users click around the site, so far has more than 1,300 customers, Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg said on a call last month. Now, the company is broadening Facebook Exchange’s global footprint, with plans to expand in Asia and Latin America.

Challenging Google

The service is built to ensure that users’ identities are kept anonymous and that their data isn’t shared with outside providers buying ads on the exchange.

Facebook Exchange lets advertisers compete to automatically place ads in milliseconds as its members refresh pages, a process known as real-time bidding. That market is expected to more than double to $7.06 billion in 2016 from this year, making up 28 percent of U.S. display-ad spending, EMarketer said.

Facebook’s biggest challenge lies a 15-minute drive away at Mountain View-based Google. The search engine provider dominates the online ad-exchange market with a share of at least 50 percent, according to Wieser, thanks to its $3.24 billion acquisition of DoubleClick in 2008.

Google, which offers access to websites globally and for mobile devices, will be aggressive in defending its turf, Wieser said.
While Facebook Exchange is projected to bring in 6.9 percent of the company’s projected 2013 revenue of $6.68 billion, it hasn’t lived up to predictions of analysts at Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. because of a lack of advertisers and adoption.

Global, Mobile

“It is difficult to come up with quarterly estimates for revenue streams that are so new, growing so fast, and so dependent on yet-unknown consumer behavior,” Carlos Kirjner, an analyst at Sanford C. Bernstein, wrote in a note.
Facebook Exchange may have contributed $20 million to $30 million in the latest quarter, according to Kirjner. The service could provide “upside” in the future, he said.

To boost results, the company is looking to expand Facebook Exchange globally to help more marketers reach users based on their Web-browsing history, Scott Shapiro, a marketing manager at Facebook, said in an interview. Mobile ads sold via real-time bidding are also an untapped growth area.

Facebook Exchange could be enhanced further, said Zach Coelius, CEO of San Francisco-based Triggit Inc., which helps advertisers use the exchange to reach customers. Facebook could place ads elsewhere on the social network, making them more prominent by moving them beyond the right column of a profile page, he said.

  • 許多社群網站開始賺錢表示 Social network 確實有 business model 可賺錢;
  • 台廠須思考怎樣結合社群網站來形成商機;
  • Facebook 將是 Google 未來在廣告業務最大競爭對手;
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