成立僅5年的雲端儲存服務公司Dropbox 13日宣布,用戶人數達到1億人,跨入營運的新里程碑。分析師指出,雲端市場發展迅速,但隨著競爭日趨激烈,尋求服務整合才是長久生存之道。
Dropbox創辦人豪斯頓( Drew Houston )在官方部落格上發布這項消息說:「很久以前Dropbox誕生於波士頓火車站,當時我忘了帶隨身碟出門。至今我們仍不確定這是命定或僥倖,但這些年來有件事始終不變:我們都有獨特理由使用Dropbox。」
除了Dropbox,其他知名的雲端硬碟還包括蘋果iCloud、Google Drive、微軟SkyDrive、亞馬遜(Amazon)、Box、Mozy和SugarSync等。
iSuppli Mobile與Wireless Communications Service預估,今年全球雲端硬碟用戶人數可能增至5億人,遠超過去年的不到3億人,2017年還將進一步攀升至13億人。
安德勒表示,Dropbox的頭號勁敵可能是搭配Windows 8系統、且能和微軟目前所有產品整合的SkyDrive,「SkyDrive不僅免費,還可在Windows系統下運作,使其他線上儲存服務顯得多餘。隨著免費服務的功能與整合性提升,收費服務將愈來愈不可行」。
雲端儲存的戰爭( War in the Cloud )
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Google drive |
在過去的一個月已經看到了從雲存儲公司 - 微軟,谷歌,Dropbox 的重大新聞更新。微軟已經更新了其 SkyDrive 的競爭與 Dropbox 、其他類似雲存儲。在此期間,Dropbox 的雲存儲服務的提供主要更新。我喜歡簡單的 Dropbox 的服務和已使用幾個月了。很酷分享照片,非常高興有額外的MB的時,我得到我的任何邀請朋友安裝 Dropbox 的。( The past one month has seen major news updates from the cloud storage companies – Microsoft, Dropbox, Google. Microsoft has revamped its Skydrive to compete with Dropbox and the likes. In the meantime, Dropbox has been giving major updates to its Cloud storage service. I do like the simplicity of the Dropbox service and have been using it for few months now. Its pretty cool to share photos and pretty much happy with the extra MB’s that i get when any of my invited friends install Dropbox.)
Google 最近宣布的“期待已久的一個”雖然 Google Drive 的在線存儲內容,並且可以從任何時間,任何地點,從任何設備訪問。 Android 使用群以難以想像的數字成長中,Google 有一個非常好的機會,成為雲存儲比賽領跑者。誰在使用 Android 版本2.2及以上的人會注意到一個手機拍攝到它的Google+的照片會自動使用在後台自動運行的雲存儲上傳照片。我會說,這是 Google 的第一步,動員其 Android 平台拉用戶到雲存儲中。對於所有那些讚美 Apple could,去檢查你的 Google Play Dashboard 幾乎有你的 Android 設備中安裝的應用程序等方面的數據. ( Google recently announced Google Drive ( a “long awaited one” though !) for storing contents online and can be accessed from anytime, anywhere and from any device. With the boom in Android community at un-imaginable numbers everyday, Google has a very good chance to be a front runner in the Cloud Storage race. People who have been using Android version 2.2 and above would have noticed an automatic task running in the background which would automatically upload the photos taken using the mobile phone to its Google+ photos. I would say that was a first step by Google in mobilizing its android platform to pull users into the cloud. For all those who are praising about Apple could, go and check your Google Play Dashboard which pretty much has the data of your Android device in terms of the installed apps etc. )
Google Drive 有一個明顯的優勢的品牌相比,如 Dropbox。Dropbox雲存儲寵兒正面臨著 Google drive。這將是一個嚴峻的挑戰SkyDrive,除非他們強大的整合到Windows桌面和移動平台。希望微軟獲得很多的要求,因為它的Windows7.5推出 Lumia 的魅力。( Google drive has an obvious advantages of the branding when compared to the other services esp Dropbox. Dropbox which has been the darling of the cloud storage is facing heat since the launch of Google drive. It’s going to be a tough challenge for Skydrive unless they make the magic with strong integration to Windows desktop and mobile platform. Hopefully Microsoft gets the much required charm since its Windows 7.5 launch in Lumia. )
I obviously do not want to comment on iCloud as these guys are pretty much narrow minded only to Apple and do not want like anyone else to build storage solution using IOS.
從定價的角度來看,SkyDrive 較小的存儲空間似乎是更好的。 Dropbox 在定價上的角度來看都輸給 SkyDrive 和 Google drive。( From a pricing standpoint, Skydrive seems to be better for lesser storage space. Dropbox looses with both Skydrive and Google Drive in the pricing standpoint. )
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Photo courtesy: www.labnol.org |
For all those who look into the legal aspects of Cloud storage, Dropbox and Microsoft would be your choice as Dropbox treats “your file as yours” whereas Google Drive treats “your files as its own”. While we are in the mid of hypes with the cloud storage, has anyone cared about the storage of company confidential information in any of these cloud storage? Well, people using this cloud storage medium knowingly or unknowingly store the confidential information in the cloud which is against your employers policies.
總之,Google drive 有一個公平的機會,在個人計算領域贏得了比賽,Skydrive 有增長潛力的企業空間(如果微軟把它與強大的整合到 Windows 桌面和移動平台)。這是 Dropbox 的時間去思考的定價策略,如果它有一個長遠的眼光的公司,否則它最有可能被一些其他更大的空間參賽者收購。因此,目前還沒有明確的贏家中。這一切都依賴於雲儲存的使用,其目的。( In short, Google Drive has a fair chance of winning the race in the personal computing space, Skydrive has a potential to grow in the enterprise space (If Microsoft pushes it with strong integration to Windows Desktop and mobile platform). It’s high time for Dropbox to think about pricing strategy if it has a long term vision for the company, else it would most likely get acquired by some of the other bigger entrants in the space. Hence there is no clear single winner in the space. It all depends on the medium of usage and its very purpose. )
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Meraki can manage your Wifi network deployment and security |
(Bloomberg)周一(19日)報導,為了將提供給新市場的雲端基礎網路規模擴大,思科(Cisco Inc.)(CSCO-US)同意支付12億美元現金及其他獎勵予Meraki Inc.。思科今日在1份聲明中表示,Meraki為1家總部設於舊金山的雲端網路公司,分別在紐約、倫敦與墨西哥設有辦公室。
微軟SkyDrive半年用戶成長一倍,新版可選擇哪些檔案同步 ( Micrsoft SkyDrive grow a lot within half year )
微軟的SkyDrive服務雖然已經存在已久,但是直到半年前他們才正式釋出獨立的同步 app,而這半年來雖然各大雲端儲存服務競爭激烈(比如說Google Drive、Box.net、Amazon Cloud Drive以及Dropbox),但挾著作業系統的優勢,SkyDrive還是成長快速。
新版的SkyDrive app已經可以讓你選擇哪些檔案要同步,另外要分享檔案、資料夾等等也變得更容易,而現在在最新發表的Windows Phone 8中間也有內建SkyDrive同步app了。
目前幾個常用免費雲端儲存服務包含 Asus WebStorage(免費2GB)Amazon Cloud Drive(免費5GB)、Box(免費5GB)、Dropbox(免費2GB)、Google Drive(免費5GB)、SkyDrive(免費7GB)、SugerSync(免費5GB)。
威聯通NAS產品出貨將倍增 ( NAS shipment with 100% growth in 2012 Q3 )
威達電(3022-TW)今(27)日召開法說會,展望明年,總經理江重良指出,明年各地區與各子公司皆持續有亮點存在,歐洲在英、德與法有新代工客戶訂單;中國大陸也有新機會產生,如某省份教育標案訂單,明年預期可成長 3 成以上、手持裝置則隨物聯網需求帶動,上半年可見到動能,另外子公司威聯通的雲端儲存裝置(NAS)產品,明年將搶攻零售消費性市場,單月出貨量將較今年倍增,全年出貨量上看120萬台,可望挹注威達電更多獲利,整體業績樂觀看待。
江重良指出,明年威達電有幾個亮點,歐洲區景氣需求力道雖然仍偏弱勢,但威達電在英、法與德已取得新代工客戶訂單。中國市場也持續有新機會產生,董事長郭博達更強調,中國市場就是努力做就會有收穫,近期也取得某省份教育標案訂單,此外還有旅館、銀行、醫院與餐飲等相關裝置需求持強,也有利營運攀升,他強調明年中國區營收將可較今年成長 3 成以上,表現持續強勁,占威達電的營收比重也將持續上揚。
而子公司威聯通今年已熱賣的雲端儲存裝置(NAS)產品,單月份出貨量約4-5萬台,累計至10月為止出貨量已達50萬台左右,江重良表示,明年單月出貨量將較今年倍增,達10萬台,全年出貨量上看120萬台,威聯通為滿足NAS需求,也打算持續擴充產能,新產能預計2014年上線。威聯通 NMP-1000的體積小巧,具備HDMI 1.3輸出、SATA硬碟介面、Gigabit 網路介面,以及絕佳的網路共享功能,並支援多種檔案格式,包括H.264 MKV, M2TS和FLAC,能提供流暢的高清影片和高清晰度音效播放,帶給您前所未有的家庭影院新感受。
- 雲端儲存之大戰及大成長才開始,最有實力的是 Google drive、Microsoft Skydrive、Dropbox、Amazon,都是免費空間又如何賺錢? ( A lot of cloud storage start to have a jump growth, more powerful player will be 、Microsoft Skydrive、Dropbox、Amazon,all of those cloud drive is free, how can it make money ? )
- 雲端儲存另一問題是資安,誰能保證你的資料安全呢? ( personal security issue will cloud storage
- 個人雲以網路儲存大幅成長為主,由於 Ultarbook、Tablet 的成長,網路儲存裝置產生新的成長;