今天的Salesforce宣布,其第三季度財報,其中包括創紀錄的5.84億美元收入,與去年同期相比,今年成長 36%. 這些錢大部分來自該公司的訂購和支持服務,5.84億美元中,其餘公司的收入來自其專業服務和其他來源,佔總額0.35億美元。( Today, Salesforce announced its Q3 earnings, which included a record $584M in revenue — a 36 percent year-over-year increase.The bulk of that money came from the company’s subscription and support services, which accounted for $549 million. The remainder of the company’s revenue came from its professional services and other sources, and totaled $35 million. )
“Salesforce.com is the first enterprise cloud computing company to exceed a $2.3 billion annual revenue run rate,” said Salesforce chief executive Marc Benioff (pictured) in a statement.
Benioff also said the company expects to reach $3 billion in annual revenue run rate during its 2013 fiscal year.For the quarter, Salesforce reported $129 million in cash generated from operations, representing 74 percent year-over-year growth. All told, the company ended the quarter with a stockpile of $1.3 billion in total cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities.
During the fourth quarter, the company expects to earn around $620 million to $624 million in revenue. It expects to end 2011 with $2.255 billion to $2.259 billion in revenue for the full year.
Earlier this month, the company promoted executive vice president George Hu to the role of chief operating officer. Hu is the company’s first COO and shares some responsibility for the results of today’s earnings report.
At the time of Hu’s promotion, Benioff said, “George’s leadership over the past nine years has been key to driving Salesforce.com’s growth to over a $2 billion run rate. I look forward to seeing his vision and leadership as COO scale our growth toward $10 billion and beyond.”
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周三SAP做了一系列宣佈,藉此強調自己如同Saleforce.com成為企業社交軟體市場要角。昨天上市、名為SAP Jam的新平台,結合該公司收購的SuccessFactors的企業社交網路能力,以及SAP結構化協同軟體StreamWork。StreamWork發表於1年前,但雷聲大雨點小。
「雖然短期間SAP會繼續支援現有StreamWork客戶,但卻不再開發單獨產品。」SAP社交軟體解決方案全球副總裁暨總經理 Sameer Patel 說:「SAP Jam則是目前正在發展中的平台,SAP基本上會在Jam平台上開發許多東西,SAP也在Jam上重新改造StreamWork。」SuccessFactors Jam用戶會在升級到SAP Jam上獲得相同功能,以及一些新功能,包括使用者體驗等。但特定功能如StreamWork就需要額外付費,至於Jam的授權及何種套件方式則還尚未確定。
周三發表的其他產品包括可協助行銷人員監看社交媒體通路,並回應客戶抱怨的Social OnDemand,以及能從大量社交資料產生分析洞見的Social Media Analytics;兩者及其他第三方應用都與Salesforce.com直接競爭。
SAP Jam將整合於SAP CRM、SAP OnDemand及Financials OnDemand等應用之中。Patel表示,SAP也會對非SAP客戶銷售社交產品。
微軟正積極籌備推出新版CRM Online,除了改善使用者體驗外,並能整合社交網路軟體Yammer及通訊平台Skype。「此外,微軟也計畫2013年中推出可執行在Windows及iPad裝置的行動版CRM。」微軟產品行銷資深總監Seth Patton說。
微軟指出,CRM Online預計12月推出,加入「以角色區分」的使用者體驗,包括「可導引銷售及服務人員走過預先定義的潛在客戶、商機及業務案件管理流程」的預建流程。但新的介面完全是「選擇加入」(opt-in),微軟也保證喜歡Outlook介面的使用者可以維持既有習慣,他們也可以完全配合使用者個人喜好來設定。
此外,整合Yammer是「Dynamic CRM將之整合為社交層的第一階段,」Patton說:「使用者可以透過Dynamic CRM張貼訊息到Yammer上,反之亦然。」
對手Salesforce.com已將Chatter社交軟體整合到CRM產品上多年,不過Patton表示微軟不一定會做一樣的事。「我們將善用Yammer已受到廣泛喜愛的優勢,並使在Dynamic CRM中使用Yammer『完全無縫』。」他說。
使用者也可以在CRM環境下撥打Skype電話。12月推出的CRM Online產品其他功能還包括支援Windows PC版的Firefox、Chrome和Mac版本的Safari。微軟還增加平台層的功能,包括支援客製化.NET workflow服務及介接大筆資料的API。
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